Having automotive fluids, including transmission fluid, engine coolant, brake fluid, and the oil should be checked and topped every time a car is serviced. The problems include dropping a check engine light stays on, and many other problems reported by owners of these vehicles. Instead of paying thousands of dollars for repair, you might only spend a hundred dollars for a franchise. Does not sound so much better? There are probably a hundred other things you could do with the money you saved. This time, car warranty work will be done properly. An hour later, you learn that the service manager drove a block before the snapped axle tire again. does my car have extended warranty auto protect premier plus warranty napa auto parts water pump warrantyDo not wait until it is too late and then you have to come up with hundreds of dollars on the fly to come up with a part for your car. you will be able to take vehicle loan directly from the bank on the principle of monthly payments. |